Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pentagon launches its own version of YouTube for troops to contact families

Pentagon launches its own version of YouTube for troops to contact families
Sunday, November 16th 2008, 7:30 PM
It's YouTub Lite, heavy on the stars and stripes.
The Pentagon has launched a sanitized version of YouTube - TroopTube - that lets servicemembers give loved ones video shoutouts from the war zone.
The Pentagon went into the video sharing business last week after shutting down access to YouTube, MySpace and 10 other popular sites, a ban it initially blamed on crowded bandwidth.
Pentagon officials now concede the blocked sites were aimed mainly at preventing soldiers in
Iraq and Afghanistan from posting information that could help insurgents target Americans, according to Newsweek magazine.
TroopTube videos are vetted by military censors and scrubbed of any raunchy footage or content that might be "inappropriate for families," Pentagon spokesman
Lt. Col. Les Melnyk told Newsweek.
Pentagon censors also review videos for any footage that might inadvertently help terrorists.
"If you have a video that shows the interior layout of your base [or] where the command post and the sleeping quarters are located, that could endanger the troops," Melnyk said.
The site already has 500 videos posted, including a tribute to the troops from Gen.
David Petraeus
"You really are the newest greatest generation," he tells the military men and women. It's gotten 20,000 hits.
There's also "Wives Shout Out to the Third Brigade A-Troop 133 Cavalry;" "Scout Poops," an action clip of a military mom and her baby, and tributes made by everyone from the Chicago White Sox to the Oak Ridge Boys
Still, the war zone can't be completely whitewashed.
Viral material can make its way into cyberspace via cellphone video cameras, well out of range of Pentagon filters.


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